Escape the Noise, Find your Oasis

Photo Courtesy of Hey Dwayne Photo
By Tyler Marshall
The shuttle screeched as we pulled off of the rugged 80 MPH Texas freeway.
We sat at an inconspicuous dirt turnoff. A sign hidden from the road welcomed us to the H.E. Butt Foundation Camp. Rolling desert hills extended as far as the eye could see.
The environment was extreme. Our group took in the arid scenery until enough of our crew was gathered. Afterward, we together traversed the dirt roads down to our spot for the week. At the bottom of those rolling hills a concealed beauty sprang up. A crystal blue river flowed.
We found ourselves in an oasis.
The river connected a large ecosystem. Throughout the week, we spied turtles and fish, bighorn sheep, scorpions and spiders, deer and many unique species of plants. All living things shared the river’s wealth, and benefited equally from the healthy web of life it provided.
This day was November 6, 2024. It was the day after a dramatic US presidential election.
In October of 2024, I was given the unique assignment to cover the Band of Runners trail camp. This camp is designed to support veterans by teaching them about the sport of trail running. It emphasizes introducing attendees to a large network of people, and helps them learn the ropes of a dynamic sport.
The setting is a desert oasis hidden in the hills north of San Antonio, Texas. The camp doesn’t have cell reception, or network coverage. It allows people to grow closer together, and to learn in a very focused, and intimate setting. This disconnection from society proved to be very special throughout the week of camp.
The leader of Band of Runners is legendary ultrarunner, coach, and author Liza Howard. After arriving at camp, she warned all attendees that there would be no discussion of sensitive topics such as politics. She noted that we were all to connect in what we did have in common: trails. This brash speech at the beginning of camp set a tone in which all campers could escape the noise.
Trail camp went off without a hitch. I watched as over 100 people from different states, countries and backgrounds connected. The process was amazing.
We are now a few days into a new presidency, and just weeks into a new year. I know that there’s a lot of difficulty in our society.
This year we've already experienced natural disasters, and unrest. Yes, life can be complicated. It can even be quite scary.
Much of what goes on around us can lead to division, black-and-white thinking, and fear. My plea today is to remember the oasis.
People are persons. Persons are individuals. An individual is someone with hopes, fears, dreams and desires. They are you, and they are me.
While we aren’t all the same, we can all seek common ground, and find connection. This is the antidote to fear and unrest. Connection is a source of love, hope, and joy. I argue that one of the best ways to find it is with others, in an oasis: in nature.
My plea today is that you go outside with someone –with some people– and escape the noise. While not everyone can spend multiple days at a trail camp without cell service, all people can get out into the fresh air.
Put your phone down, turn off the news, and engage with other souls out in the mountains, or forests –in the desert, or ocean, or even just under a tree in your yard or local park. Connection brings joy. Joy comes from being in the oasis.
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